Club Hipico Los Sargentos Timeline

1926 - 1937
Fans of Equestrian Art founded the club on November 3, 1926.
Impetuous cavalry soldiers, recently discharged with the rank of "Sergeants", with the spirit and verve of young men who served their country, decided to continue a new adventure together. Passionate about the equestrian art, on November 3, 1926, José Manuel del Carpio, Arturo Montes y Montes, Jorge Montes Rada, Jorge Zalles Calderón, Jorge Vidal Benguria, founded the Equestrian Club "Los Sargentos", honoring their time in the Bolivian Army.

1937 - 1948
Legal personality is obtained on April 16, 1937.
Oriented by an objective, that of consolidating a Club, our dreamers riders obtained the legal personality by means of Supreme Resolution of April 16, 1937, with the objective of "creating conditions of recreation, sports and social distraction to favor the population that lives in the Department of La Paz". The equestrian art had to reach levels of competitiveness that would not envy national or foreign athletes and with the desire to sow a path of riders who have a place to practice the discipline, in 1940, acquired land in the area of Obrajes and enabled the first track for training and competitions.

1948 - 1995
From 1960 onwards, the CHLS becomes a breeding ground for horsemanship figures.
From 1948 to 1952, great were the achievements of the riders of the Club, who put in golden letters the name of our sporting entity. From 1960 onwards, the CHLS became the seedbed of several figures of the paceño, national and international horsemanship, having achieved important sporting achievements in South American, Pan American, Bolivarian competitions among others, with renowned representatives whose courage and bravery characterized the generations of riders and amazons of renowned career and that today we are proud to have them among the favorites in the annals of our history. Sin embargo, de las grandes satisfacciones que nos brindó el hipismo, grandes deportistas forman parte de nuestra entidad socio-deportiva y cultural, quienes en disciplinas tales como el Tenis, Racquet, Fútbol, Natación, Tiro y Frontón nos regalaron éxitos y galardones nacionales e internacionales, siendo todos ellos hijos ilustres del Club Hípico Los Sargentos.

1995 - 2021
The Evolution of the Club Begins in 2002
Multiple new disciplines are inaugurated in the club. The challenges of our founding members have not ended, we continue the constant search to consolidate a club that is the answer to the needs of our members, and contribute from our scope of action to the construction of a society that cares about the future, the environment, water, and all those aspects that make the integrality of human beings in communion with nature.